What Is the Credit for Other Dependents?

Mar 4, 2022 | Tax & Accounting

The credit for other dependents is a tax credit available to taxpayers for each of their qualifying dependents who can’t be claimed for the child tax credit. The maximum credit amount is $500 for each dependent who meets certain conditions. These include:

  • Dependents who are age 17 or older.
  • Dependents who have individual taxpayer identification numbers.
  • Dependent parents or other qualifying relatives supported by the taxpayer.
  • Dependents living with the taxpayer who aren’t related to the taxpayer.

The credit begins to phase out when the taxpayer’s income is more than $200,000. This phaseout begins for married couples filing a joint tax return at $400,000.

A taxpayer can claim this credit if:

  • They claim the person as a dependent on the taxpayer’s return.
  • They cannot use the dependent to claim the child tax credit or additional child tax credit.
  • The dependent is a U.S. citizen, national or resident alien.

Taxpayers can claim the credit for other dependents in addition to the child and dependent care credit and the earned income credit. The worksheet in Publication 972, Child Tax Credit and Credit for Other Dependents helps taxpayers determine if they can claim the credit for other dependents.

For more information about this important tax credit for families, please call the office.

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